Revolutionising Pricing Strategies:How Flintfox can help your Business Win at Wholesale Pricing

In the dynamic world of wholesale pricing, businesses face an array of challenges. From managing inflation to rapid supply chain changes, you need innovative and quick solutions to stay ahead. Flintfox, a leader in pricing solutions, is changing how businesses approach wholesale pricing.

Wholesale Pricing Challenges

Wholesale pricing is more than just setting a price. Companies need to navigate:

  • Inflationary Costs: Rising costs eat into profit margins.
  • Price Pressure from Competitors: You need to stay one step ahead.
  • Rapid Supply Chain Changes: Fluctuations impact pricing strategies.
  • Managing Large Volumes of Transactions and Data: Accuracy and efficiency is key.

Flintfox’s Pricing Solutions

Flintfox offers industry-specific pricing solutions for life sciences, retail, manufacturing and consumer goods. Their expertise helps you tackle these challenges head on.

Master Data Management for Pricing Accuracy

Pricing starts with good data. Flintfox’s Master Data Management system creates a single source of truth for all pricing and rebate data, so you can access:

  • Real-time calculations across multiple sources (ERP, handheld, e-commerce, catalog).
  • Simplified data management, less errors, more efficiency.

Custom Pricing Strategies

Flintfox lets you define costs, pricing, promotions and rebates with precision. Their custom pricing strategies include:

  • Segmentation by customer, vendor, product and transactional hierarchy/attributes.
  • Real-time execution and updates to stay on top of market changes.

Rebate Management

Rebates are critical to your profitability. Flintfox’s rebate management system coordinates and matches supplier offers to customer pricing, managing vendor and customer rebates in real-time. Less price leakage, more profit.

Price Change Management

Flintfox makes managing fluctuating cost prices easy by allowing you to import large volumes of cost price data quickly. This means your customer pricing strategies stay accurate and competitive.

More Profitability and Visibility

With Flintfox, you get detailed profitability reporting at customer and product level. The platform gives you visibility into discounts and vendor/customer rebates and time-stamped price waterfalls for audit and analysis. All the pricing insights you need.

Technology Advantage

Flintfox’s pricing engine delivers real-time pricing across all sales channels, that’s a big impact on sales and customer engagement. By using this technology you can stay ahead in the market.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Many businesses have used Flintfox’s solutions and achieved amazing results in pricing accuracy, profitability and operational efficiency. These case studies show the real benefits of using Flintfox’s pricing solutions.

Flintfox is leading the way in wholesale pricing optimisation, so you have the tools to stay ahead. In a changing market, using advanced pricing like Flintfox is essential to profitability and long term success. Book a Demo with us today.